
Usage: kluctl prune [flags]

Searches the target cluster for prunable objects and deletes them


The following sets of arguments are available:

  1. project arguments
  2. image arguments
  3. inclusion/exclusion arguments
  4. command results arguments
  5. helm arguments
  6. registry arguments

In addition, the following arguments are available:

  Misc arguments:
  Command specific arguments.

      --dry-run                     Performs all kubernetes API calls in dry-run mode.
      --no-obfuscate                Disable obfuscation of sensitive/secret data
  -o, --output-format stringArray   Specify output format and target file, in the format 'format=path'. Format can
                                    either be 'text' or 'yaml'. Can be specified multiple times. The actual format
                                    for yaml is currently not documented and subject to change.
      --render-output-dir string    Specifies the target directory to render the project into. If omitted, a
                                    temporary directory is used.
      --short-output                When using the 'text' output format (which is the default), only names of
                                    changes objects are shown instead of showing all changes.
  -y, --yes                         Suppresses 'Are you sure?' questions and proceeds as if you would answer 'yes'.

They have the same meaning as described in deploy.